We are happy to announce the next round of Lightpress grant recipients . These fine filmmakers will each receive a three hour block of time to have high quality 2K and 4K scans of their 16 and 35mm films. These grants are giving out twice a year, January and July.
Engauge : Experimental Film Festival
“Engauge”, a new experimental film festival based in Seattle, WA, invites you to submit your work.
Created to highlight and augment the work of the Lightpress Grants offered twice yearly by Interbay Cinema Society, “Engauge” will consider only films that originated on film. That means that somewhere in the filmmaking process, you the filmmaker actually worked directly with celluloid, either by loading it into a camera and shooting film, or looking through and selecting found film footage, or directly scratching, painting, drawing onto or collaging footage.
We are interested primarily in short films, since we have a limited number of festival slots available. We are also committed to a festival that reflects the international and diverse nature of experimental work.
Each film accepted for screening will received a $200 honorarium. No Entry Fee.
Festival Deadline: September 15, 2018.
Festival Dates: November 8-10, 2018.
Lightpress Grants July 2018
We are very happy to announce our next 10 Lightpress grant recipients and they are :
Vera Brunner-Sung
Sandra Davis
Carl George
Lynn Marie Kirby
Kerry Laitala
Cynthia Madansky
Andrew Mausert-Mooney
Nina Menkes
Linda Scobie
Phil Solomon
Congrats everybody! 😊
LIGHTPRESS GRANTS One of the things that ICS does are the Lightpress grants, 10 of these are giving out twice a year January 1st and July 1st. These are 3 hour vouchers to use at Lightpress to have really nice 4K scans of your films made. These are a $1200 value. Since July 2016 ICS have given out $48,000 in these grants.
ICS Now Has Four Board Members
Happy to announce that the film organization that I co founded in 2016 The Interbay Cinema Society aka ICS now has four board members. Caryn Cline, Ruth Hayes, Reed O’Berne and Ryan K Adams all stellar members of the Northwest film community and all solid citizens and I am honored that they accepted my invitation. The five of us are going to change the world ! So stay tuned
Lightpress Grants 2018
Happy New Year Everybody! On behalf of the Interbay Cinema Society I am pleased to announce the next round of Lightpress grant recipients. Congratulations to Devon Damonte, Ruth Hayes, Martha Colburn, Richard Reeves, Deborah Stratman, Nisha Platzer, Georg Kozulinski, Mathias Bo, Josh Weissbach and Lori Hiris.
One of the things that ICS does are the Lightpress grants, these are giving out twice a year January 1st and July 1st. These are 3 hour vouchers to use at Lightpress to have really nice 4K scans of your films made. These are a $900 value. Since July 2016 ICS have given out $38,000 in these grants.
Now Accepting Applications for Next Round of Lighpress Grants
our mission is to provide goods and services to filmmakers who work outside of what the mainstream conception of filmmaking is. We provide these services to filmmakers free of charge with no strings attached. We look for filmmakers who have built a body of work and have shown dedication and work ethic over the years. These services are designed to help off set the enormous costs involved in filmmaking and to encourage them to produce more work and to promote cinema as an art form .
One of the things that ICS does are the Lightpress grants, 10 of these are giving out twice a year January 1st and July 1st. These are 3 hour vouchers to use at Lightpress to have really nice HD scans of your films made. These are a $900 value. Since July 2016 ICS have given out $28,000 in these grants.
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